Monday, March 29, 2021

Mexico During the Pandemic

I want to recap our Mexico trip, but first I wanted to share with you what it was like being in Mexico during the pandemic. Where masks were required, occupancy limits, safety, etc.

And a picture of the girls in Mexico to brighten this post up!

Now this applies to the state of Jalisco which is where Puerto Vallarta is. When I read the rules, it said that most mandates had been lifted as of February 12th. I am not sure which rules they were referring to as PV mimicked the United States quite a bit with more checks.


We had to wear our masks in our condo building in all areas other than our condo and at the pool which is a roof top pool. We did not have to wear our masks on our condo patios either. We had to wear masks to enter into a shop or restaurant but could take the masks off when we were seated for food. If you had to go to the bathroom, you had to put your mask back on. 

Even though they sold fabric masks and we saw others wearing them, they encouraged everyone to use the disposable masks. We brought them so we could throw them away often (cutting the ear pieces first) as the girls tended to drop theirs numerous times.

We did not have to wear our masks while walking around outside nor at the beach.

Temperature Checks

This is one that I was not used to. Sure I get the temperature checks at doctor's offices, but we had a temperature check upon going into any restaurant whether it was an indoor or outdoor restaurant. Some restaurants used the infrared scanners (which I am sure are expensive) and some were just the touchless thermometers. 

We also got checked every time we entered into our condo building.

Hand Sanitizer

Before we entered into a restaurant or shop, we had to have a squirt of hand sanitizer. And our condo building gave us the option of the hand sanitizer or washing your hands.

Covid Tests

As you may have seen, but you have to have a negative Covid test before entering into the United States. This has to be done up to 72 hours prior to your plane departing. We did this on March 18th and our flight was March 20th. We were all negative thankfully.

Now to schedule your tests, many hotels offer it for free if you stay with them. Since we were not staying in a hotel, we had to schedule our own. Prior to leaving, I was on the Trip Advisor forums looking up all information on Puerto Vallarta during the pandemic and part of that was the Covid tests.

The US/Mexico relationship changed and allowed for us to get the antigen test instead of the PCR test which saved us a lot of money. You can try to get it covered by your insurance, but I declined to go that route since we got ours done for 650 pecos each or about $31 each. We just budgeted this into our plans and our money allotment.

Also, I recommend going on TripAdvisor and seeing how to set up your appointments ahead of time. I found a forum with an email address for someone in Puerto Vallarta through the hospital system. I emailed her about our interest and she emailed me back with all the information I needed to provide. I had to provide full names matching the passport, where we were staying, DOB, email address, date you want to be tested, and where we were flying back into to determine the type of test. I did this for all six of us and we got our appointments set up. 

We were also told that we could have waited until we were in Mexico and gone to one of the 4 testing places to schedule it when we arrived. I wanted to schedule ahead of time to make sure we were all taken care of prior to our vacation. No need to stress when you are on vacation about these things.

We were instructed to fast for two hours and bring in our passports. I wondered about the fasting for two hours, but when we took our test, we understood why. Now I am not sure if you have had a Covid test in the US. I have had two and they were nothing like this.

I went back with Avery and Rory went back with Sutton. My in-laws went back one by one by themselves. They have you sit down, put your head against the wall and then they stuck a brush like swab way up your nose. I know this is how they used to do it, but I am not sure if they used a brush like swab. They scrapped around and took cells from way up in your nose. They only did it on one side, but it hurt and was awful. Since I had surgery 3 times on my nose, this was awful. Avery and Sutton cried and Rory gagged. And when he said he gagged, we all knew why we were instructed to fast. They don't want you throwing up. 

We got our results within 2 hours and they were emailed to us. It included a QR code which we showed when we got to the airport to check in. We were not able to check in online the day before as you have to provide your negative test. 

So upon checking in, they scanned our QR codes and verified our negative results along with our passports and then we were able to obtain our boarding passes.

Social Distancing

We were told to social distance if you can at 1.5 meters. I feel like this was more of a suggestion than anything as when we went to the Farmer's Market Saturday morning, no one was social distancing. They didn't separate the tables much if at all in most restaurants. Some did take some tables out, but most were normal.


I guess before February 12th, they had the capacity of restaurants and stores at 50%, but that was taken away. 


Even though Mexico is a third world and developing country, we felt very safe in Puerto Vallarta. We did not feel that we were going to get Covid there. People and places take precautions and in some instances we felt they were even more controlled than in the United States.

Do you have any other questions on traveling to Mexico during the pandemic? What was your experience if you have been there since the pandemic started?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Traveling During the Pandemic

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You might have guessed from my lack of comments and interaction last week that we were in Mexico. We finally got to go on our long awaited vacation. This was our first time traveling during the pandemic. I mean, we have gone 3 hours (by car) over to California, but we haven't been on a plane in a year. So crazy to think about that. But I wanted to document some of the airport/travel stuff and then I will do another post on what it was like in Mexico during the pandemic. Plus our time in Mexico.

Now prior to departing, we were updated via American Airlines that we had to fill out a health survey to get into Mexico. We were given a link in an email and I filled out one for each of our family members and took a screen shot of each entry to have the QR code to show upon arrival into Mexico. This basically takes care of the forms you used to fill out prior to entering another country. But this time, it was more health and Covid related.

We were also instructed via email and at the airport that we must wear our masks at all times unless you are actively drinking or eating. We bought some disposable masks via Amazon (here) for us adults and then some for the kids via Costco (but you can find similar ones here on Amazon). The girls did great wearing their masks and only pulled them down under their noses a few times. Then we told them to bring them back up. And everyone on the airlines were amazing. 

Here are some shots from each of our flights just to give you an idea on what it was like flying right now.

Masked up and sitting next to my Aves. This was a small flight with only 2 seats on each side.

Rory and Sutton. They only took their masks down for the photo.

This was on our flight to Puerto Vallarta. I was sitting next to Rory's parents.

Look at how empty our flight was. Also, the guy behind us, we flew with his family to and from Mexico on all flights. We didn't know them, but now we do and have a lot of friends in common.

Our flight was again pretty empty on the way from Puerto Vallarta to Los Angeles that Rory and I each had one of the girls in a row to ourselves.

When we got on the airplanes, we were given sanitizing wipes to wipe down our whole areas. We used these plus some that we brought with us.

Now I also want to point out that most of our flights were pretty empty, but one of them was completely full. This means we were all sitting next to each other and it just seemed weird. If you have to social distance in the airport, but then you can sit right next to a stranger, it just didn't make sense. What Covid doesn't count on airplanes?

Anyways, another thing I wanted to point out that was very different was food and beverages on the plane. On our small flights that were an hour and a half, we were not given any food or drinks. Not even water. I wish they would have warned us about this as we would have purchased water in the airport. When we arrived in LA, we went searching for food and about 75% of restaurants and stores were closed. Luckily, we did bring snacks on the plane, but we wanted to get brunch or breakfast in the airport. In the international terminal, only a few things were open, so we all ate something from Starbucks and got coffees (steamers for the girls).

Now onto the flight from LA to Puerto Vallarta, we did get a bag that had the sanitizing wipes, a bottle of water and some biscuit cookies. And we were able to get as many bags as we wanted or needed. This was the same for the flight from Puerto Vallarta back to LA. And we did not get anything on the flight from LA to Reno. Just wanted to give heads up if you travel through any of those airports.

I am not sure if it is different traveling through other airports, but next time we travel, we will bring even more snacks and water bottles (that we can fill up in the airports).

Another change was when we were deplaning, they did it row by row. You had to keep seated until the row in front of you had left their seats and were on their way to the front of the plane. This allowed everyone to stay away from each other.

Another change we experienced was when we arrived in Mexico. When you get off the plane, you head directly to customs which was the same, but this time when you get to the line to enter, you walk through a temperature scan to see if you have a fever. You do this one at a time and then you show that you have filled out your health questionnaire. You also go through the temperature scan before you go through security in Mexico on the way home.

When you get to the customs station, they scan all of your QR codes, they ask you some of the same health questions again, then they ask each person to pull down their masks as they check your passports and stamp them.

Otherwise, everything else seemed pretty normal. They still called us up by group number to get on the airplane. You could still bring your personal belongings on the flight. They still offered flight entertainment. The flight attendants were still very nice. You got your bags the same way and loaded them the same way.

I have another change related to traveling in Mexico, but I am saving it for the Mexico post on what was different.

Next week and the week after, I will have my Mexico posts (our time there) including the traveling through Mexico.

Have you traveled by airplane during this pandemic?