Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What's Hap-Pinning

It's Wednesday and we are officially half way through the week. Sooo happy about this. Today I am joining in on the fun with Jessi and Jenn for What's Hap-"Pinning". I have never joined this link up, but I have actually had time to peruse Pinterest, so enjoy.

These yummy appetizers need to make an appearance in my life asap. What's not to love? Bread, brie cheese, honey and strawberries. It would go perfectly with a crisp white wine on a Friday evening.

Growing up one of my favorite meals (other than spaghetti) was sloppy joes. I couldn't get enough of them. I used to make them weekly before moving in with Rory. He is a hater and doesn't like them as much as I do. So I search for new recipes to try out on him in hopes he will come to the sloppy side. I plan to sneak these into our meal plan next week.

I love quick and easy meals. Ones that remind me of boneless wings are even better. These babies are baked, not fried, so I would feel less guilty indulging in them. Pair them with some rice or roasted veggies and you have an amazing meal.

I don't have any idea on where I can bring this to, but I need somewhere to go ASAP. This looks sooo good. I love artichoke dip and this makes it so much easier. Anyone want to invite me over for a party so I can make this?

My girls are almost 17 months. How is that even possible? We are constantly trying to find ways to entertain and distract our toddlers. Toddlers can be monsters and you have to break out the big guns to entertain them. 

While we are not quite ready to wean the girls off their pacis, it is a thought in the back of my mind. We hope to wean them by the time they are 2, so we have some time, but we will need all the help we can get. Avery loves her paci. They don't use them all the time, but bedtime will be the hardest. 

Seriously so much fun pinning, wishing and planning today. And if you are not following me on Pinterest, you should do so here.

Don't forget to link up tomorrow for Confessional Thursday!