Monday, August 22, 2022

The Girls First Day of Second Grade

Last Monday, August 15th, was the girls first day of school. I can't believe how quickly the Summer went. But as always, I love sharing their first and last day of school pictures. So here is their first day of second grade. And can I just say, how are my girls in second grade already? And how do they look so big?

Drop off was a bit rough for the girls. They started getting nervous on our walk up to the second grade doors. Then when I took Avery into her class, she started crying. But she knew her teacher from recess last year, so her teacher reassured her that she was going to have fun this year. I brought her to her desk, gave her hugs and kisses and then a friend from Sutton's class last year came over and told Avery it was ok to be scared and nervous as she was too. But that she will make friends fast and it will be a fun year. That little girl definitely made her day.

Then I took Sutton over to her class and she cried as well because her sister was in another class across the way and they wouldn't see each other until recess. I brought Sutton to her desk and she had some friends in class and immediately perked up. That last picture is of her. I gave her hugs and kisses and went on my way after snapping the photo. Then we peaked in on them through their windows and headed out. 

I walked home, finished packing and getting ready, then did some work and headed off to Colorado. So we had to facetime at the end of the day to hear all about their first day. They had the best time, are super excited for this school year and there were no more tears.

Now to hope for a smooth school year!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

First Day of 1st Grade

Monday was the girls first day of first grade. I can't believe the Summer flew by that fast. But here we are. Today is the girls third day of school and I feel like they are really enjoying it. If you remember, the girls did a private school option for Kindergarten because of covid. I wanted them to have a year of schooling without the restrictions that were placed here in Nevada.

I wanted them to not wear masks, to be around other kids, to eat together, to play on the playground and learn in person. And that is what we got. Sure, they were super safe and the school took mega precautions, but this was the best option for our family. My girls thrived in their private school.

But this year, they went back to public school. It was a tough decision, but one we made for the time being. Now that may change next year, but for this year, this is what we chose. 

Anyways, here is a glimpse into their first day of first grade!

I didn't include the girls teacher on their apple for security reasons.

Time is sure flying, but I am so thankful for these girls and how much they have grown and thrived!