Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas This or That

*This post contains affiliate links. When you click a link, it is no cost to you and I make a small commission (pennies) from it. Thank you for supporting Sparkles and Lattes.

Last week, Bri had a This or That post and I thought it was cute. I had fun reading her answers and wanted to answer them myself. Thanks for the inspiration Bri!!!

1. Home Alone or A Christmas Story?

This is a very hard one. I LOVE both movies and we have watched them at least 5 times this holiday season. BUT I think I have watched A Christmas Story more and I have a tradition to watch it Christmas Eve night and then all day Christmas Day. 

Plus I bought this cute shirt as I love the movie so much.

2. Hot coffee or hot cocoa? coffee. I LOVE coffee and drink at least one cup a day. Usually more. And hello, my blog is called Sparkles and LATTES.

3. Gift giving or gift receiving?

I love giving gifts. Growing up you love receiving them, but as you get older, it is so much fun to see the look on other people's faces when they open up something that you hand picked for them.

4. Holiday pies or holiday cookies?

Another tough one. I love pies, but I think I love cookies more. I have been baking sugar cookies a lot since November and we will be baking them again on Christmas Eve!

5. Grinch or Elf?

I again like them both, but I would probably choose Elf over Grinch unless I get to watch the super old school cartoon Grinch.

6. Real tree or fake tree?

Real tree all the way. Growing up, we had a fake tree for awhile, but then we started cutting ours down each year. This is the first year that I have had a real tree and a fake tree.
Real Christmas Tree
Here is our Christmas tree this year.

7. Ugly Christmas sweater or Christmas PJs?

I have both, but I love a good ugly Christmas sweater. I have a Griswold Christmas sweater that is my absolute favorite and I wear it yearly.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Summer Fun Questionnaire

Happy July 1st!

Earlier this week, Dara posted a Summer Musings questionnaire and I knew I wanted to participate in it. I always love these things and getting to know others. If you participate, let me know, so I can check out your answers too.

1. Lake or beach? Well, Lake Tahoe is my favorite place, so I am going with lake.
Sand Harbor Lake Tahoe

2. Ice tea or lemonade? I really like them both, and mixed together they are really good. But nothing beats a cold glass of lemonade!

3. Favorite Summer vacation memory? We don't take many Summer vacations really as we tend to go on vacations in the colder months like our annual trip to Mexico in March or some exotic locations in the Fall. But I do remember going on an Alaskan cruise at the end of July and it was pretty amazing. It was the only cruise I have ever been on and I loved it. I did get a bit sea sick, but only if I sat close to the windows and looked out or sometimes when I worked out on the boat. 

But we saw glaciers, had a crab feed, went zip lining through Alaska and saw so much wild life (bears, eagles, whales, etc.).
Alaskan glaciers

4. Favorite Summer destination? Close by...Lake Tahoe. Away...Hawaii.

5. Go to summer fashion item? I would have to go with sandals because I wear them every single day during the Summer.

6. Have you ever been water skiing or jet skiing? I have been both along with knee boarding and wake boarding.

7. Favorite Summer movie? There are so many...from Grease to Dazed and Confused to The Sand Lot. 

8. Song that makes you think of Summer? Summer Girls by LFO. Do you remember this song? It came out in 1999. So basically it came out when I was in high school and we would listen to it on the way to Tahoe every single time.

9. Best 4th of July story? This is more of a memory than a story. I can't remember the year, but it was either in college or just after, but some friends and I rented a hotel up in South Lake Tahoe. We went to the beach all day, watched the lake fireworks and then had an incredible fancy late night dinner in one of the casinos on the top floor.

10. Are your fireworks on the 3rd, 4th or another night? They are on the 4th of July.
2011 fireworks in Lake Tahoe
Monday, March 30, 2020

Spring Questionnaire

Last week, Dara posted a fun Spring questionnaire and I thought I would participate. We could all use a light-hearted post. Let me know if you answer the questions too.

1. Do you decorate for Easter or Spring?
I do decorate each year for Easter/Spring. I haven't yet, and I am not sure why.

2. What Spring holidays do you celebrate?
We celebrate Easter.

3. Do you have any fun Spring traditions?
We don't have any fun traditions other than the usual Easter traditions like Easter egg hunts and Easter dinner.

4. Do you have any recipes you make every Spring?
I make this Spring pasta with pancetta, peas and asparagus. I actually made it this last weekend.

5. Do you switch out any of your decor for Spring?
I add Spring like decor along with my Easter decor. I don't really change out anything. I just add to our normal decor.

6. Do you add in any outdoor Spring decorating touches?
I usually have a wreath, and some items that you stake in the ground saying the Easter bunny is coming.

7. Do you have favorite Spring cocktail or drink?
I feel like this drink is a Spring cocktail. We called it a money penny, but after looking it up, ours was completely different than what was mentioned. My best friend, Nathalie, introduced it to me.

Here is the recipe for our favorite Spring/anytime cocktail.
1 shot Peach Schnapps
1 shot Ketel One

Combine the Schnapps and Ketel One in a shaker. Shake and put into a martini glass that has been rimmed with sugar. Top with Champagne and add a lemon twist,

8. Pink? Love or hate?
I love pink. I wear it all the time.

9. Favorite Spring flower?

10. Are things blooming where you live yet?
They are and it is a little worrisome when we keep getting rain and snow mixed into 50 degree weather. I hope it doesn't kill the blossoms off.
Monday, July 29, 2019

Would You Rather?

Last week, Dara wrote a post (that was linked up) with the topic of Would You Rather? I love this idea and I loved reading her answers. So I thought I would answer the same questions. Enjoy. And if you decide to answer them, let me know. I want to hear your answers.

1. Would you rather start your day without coffee or start your day knowing you had to stay up until 3 AM?
I like this question. If it is a weekday, then I would rather start my day without coffee. Weekend, stay up until 3 am.

2. Would you rather spend the day at a nude beach where you don’t know anyone there or spend the day at your neighborhood beach (or pool I guess!) wearing a skimpy bikini?
I would go with skimpy bikini. I just don't want to have to look at everyone else's parts. Ha.

3. Would you rather lead a glitter craft party for 6 year olds or put on a home fireworks display with 13 year olds?
I would totally do the fireworks display!

4. Would you rather wake up and discover a new space in your house that you didn’t know about or discover a bank account that you didn’t know you had with $10,000 in it?
I am going to go with the $10,000. Then I can renovate a space into my house to make it better or go on a vacation!

5. If you had one child permanently stuck at a certain age, would you rather have them stuck at 3 weeks, 18 months, or 3 years?
Oh geez. This is a tough one. Each age definitely has its ups and downs, but I am going to go with 18 months. At 3 weeks, they don't sleep a normal schedule at all, but I love those baby snuggles. And at 3 years old, they back talk, throw tantrums and are potty training or still having some accidents. I think 18 months is a pretty great age. They are walking, eating and finding out who they are.

6. Would you rather change a poopy toddler diaper or clean up dog poop from a rug?
The toddler diaper. You can throw that away and get rid of it easy. The dog poop is going to smell for a long time.

7. Would you rather have a huge surprise birthday party thrown for you or have everyone forget your birthday?
I would go with the surprise party. I am not a big birthday celebrator, but it would suck to not have anyone even mention it or think of me on my birthday.

8. Would you rather take a job you are a little under qualified for or one that you are way over qualified for?
If money is no object in this then I would take one that I am under qualified for, so I can work to becoming the best at my job and always have a challenge.

9. Would you rather have a full house of guests for a week or be alone in your house for a week?
I would rather be alone for a full week in my house.
Monday, October 2, 2017

TBB Asks - Everything Fall

It's time for another round of The Blended Blog Asks and this month is all about Everything Fall. I love Fall. That is no secret. From football to pumpkins, to yummy coffee drinks and Apple Hill, I definitely look forward to this time of year.
TBB Asks - Fall Everything

1. Favorite Fall Sweet Treat? Apple donuts. We get the best ones when we go to Apple Hill. I can't wait til October 8th!!!

2. Red, Yellow or Green Apples? I am all about the red apples. I love honeycrisp and pink ladies the most.

3. Favorite Fall Sport to Play? I don't really play any sports anymore. I just watch.

4. Best Drink for Fall? Spiced apple cider using apple wine from Apple Hill. So good!

5. Favorite Fall Activity? Watching Nevada football games. We have been season ticket holders forever.

Nevada Wolf Pack football
I was about 12 weeks pregnant here.

6. Must have Fall Purchase? A new pair of booties/boots.

7. Pumpkins: Pick your own or store bought? We always pick our own when we go to Apple Hill. This year we have grown some for around our house.

8. Real or Fake Pumpkin? Real all the way!

9. Favorite Halloween Costume? As a child, I loved wearing a cheerleader costume. As an adult, let's just say I wore things that weren't that appropriate. Evidence below.

police officer halloween costume

10. College Football or NFL? I love NFL. I love watching the Wolf Pack play along with bowl games, but I watch almost every single NFL game that I can.

49ers fans at Candlestick Park

11. Fall or Halloween Decor? I love both, but I tend to use more Fall decor, so I can leave it up until Thanksgiving.

12. Raking Leaves or no Leaves to Rake? We use a blower and then rack the leaves a little bit into a bag.

13. Favorite Soup? Butternut Squash with Pears and Bacon.

14. Favorite Fall Candle scent? Leaves by Bath and Body Works

15. Love or Hate Pumpkin Spice? I love pumpkin spice. I love it in lattes, soups and desserts.

16. Short Booties or Tall boots? This one is hard because I wear them both.

17. Favorite Halloween Candy? Dots. I only ever have them when I used to go trick or treating and now I take them from my girls candy bags. Don't tell me you don't take the best candy out of your kids bags. I know you do.

18. PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte): YES or NO? Yes, but usually a tall ever so often.

19. Hayride or Corn Maze? I love corn mazes. Before having kids, we used to go to one yearly. So much fun. I can't wait for my girls to be old enough to do this.

20. Favorite Fall TV Show? This is Us. I am so in love with this show.
Monday, August 7, 2017

TBB Asks - Summer Edition

I am changing it up and not talking about my weekend today. That will be tomorrow. Today I am answering 23 questions with The Blended Blog for TBB Asks. If you want to participate, grab the picture below, answer the questions and link up!
TBB Asks

1. Pool, lake or ocean? Lake. Especially Lake Tahoe. I mean how can you not pick this lake?
Sand Harbor Lake Tahoe

2. Camping, cottage or hotel? This one is hard because I love them all. I love camping, but feel like I need a trailer if I am camping for more than 2 days. But I do love staying at luxury hotels and I have stayed at some pretty amazing ones.

3. Favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee with chocolate chunks (from Springers)
Springers Ice Cream

4. PJ's, nightgown, t-shirt/shorts or birthday suit? T-shirt and shorts.

5. Fave summer beverage? Non-alcoholic: Watermelon lemonade. Alcoholic: Moscow Mule

6. Would you rather be hot or cold? Hot.

7. Sandals with heels or flats? I used to go with heels, but now that I have kids, I always go with the flats.

8. Shorts or skirts? Dresses. Ha. I am starting to like shorts more though.

9. Sit in the sun or the shade? In the sun, but at the beach so I can go in the water if it gets too hot.

10. Water, tea or soda? Water.

11. Fave summer fruit, vegetable? Kiwi.

12. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset. The sunsets around here are incredible.

13. Bike ride or walk? Walk. I used to love the bike, but now I don't do it enough.

14. Winery or brewery? Winery. Hands down and I have been to some amazing ones in Sonoma and Napa.

15. Garden or no garden? Garden. We have both a flower and a veggie garden and they are so much fun.

16. Big summer concert or music in the park? Big summer concert though I haven't been to one in forever. I used to be a huge concert goer.

17. Fave cookout food? Sausages.

18. Dine indoors or patio? I love dining outside on the patio.

19. Fave summer destination? Kauai

20. Big theme park or local carnival? Big theme park. Carnivals scare me now. I get so creeped out by the carnies.

21. Drinks blended or on the rocks? Blended.

22. Popsicle or freezie flavour of choice. Strawberry or Watermelon.

23. Hot dog or hamburger? Polish sausage.

If you participate, let me know so I can check out your answers!
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Getting to Know Me More with 20 Questions

So it is an off week being that most people are on vacation, camping or just taking a week off. I do have today off, but I did work Monday and I have to work Thursday and Friday. Boo.

I have been fresh out of blog ideas lately (saving some good ones for later this month and next month!) and when Emily posted this getting to know me more link up on Monday, I knew I had to join. Just a few days late. Ha. Feel free to link up to The Blended Blog as well.
getting to know me more blended blog

1. Favorite animal.  Dog. Especially my dog, Walter.
chiweenie dog

2. Wine or beer? Hands down, wine. But I do love beer. I just love wine more. I am especially loving whites and rose'.

3. Socks on/off while sleeping? Off. I do like my socks on when I am camping in a sleeping bag or if it is a really cold night during the winter, but generally off.

4. One piece or two piece swimsuit? Two. I am going to rock the bikini until my body won't allow it anymore. Or I look awful.
J Crew bikini
My J Crew bikini I rocked last weekend

5. Cooking at home or eating out? Eating out. I don't mind cooking at home, but when you eat out, you can chose something different, don't have to clean up the mess and are waited on instead of waiting on others.

6. Pepsi or coke? Coke. Always.

7. Regular or electric toothbrush? Regular. I used to have an electric toothbrush that I loved, but I hated buying the new brush heads. Lazy.

8. Candy or chocolate? Candy. I love fruity types of candy the most.

9. Coffee or tea? Coffee. If it is black coffee, add in all the creamer. If it is espresso, then a nice vanilla latte please. I do like tea though. I just like coffee more.

10. Music or talk radio? Music. Rory has been giving me crap lately about how much I complain about the stereo in my Highlander. I am used to having a good stereo with nice speakers. When my kids are not in the car, I turn it up, sing and just rock out. There isn't much better than good music.

11. Chick flick, action movie or documentary? Chick flick. I love chick flicks.

12. Regular or mechanical pencil? Regular. The mechanical ones break too easily (the lead).

13. Swimming or laying out? I love both, but I love laying out at the lake.

14. Dog or cat? Dog. See #1.

15. What do you drive? SUV, Van or Sedan? SUV - Toyota Highlander

16. Early bird catches the worm or night owl? Well I used to be a night owl. I loved staying up late and going out late, but ever since I had kids, I am more of an early bird. But I think I am most accurately a mid day person. Ha.

17. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pasta. Pizza is a close second.

18. While sleeping: phone in your room by your side or phone in another room? In my room by my side. It sits on my nightstand but as far from my head as possible. I use my phone as my alarm, so I need it near me.

19. Singing in the shower: yes or no? Not really unless I have music on.

20. Oreo cookies: eat whole, take apart and/or dunk in milk? I love to take them apart. I eat the cookie side that has no cream on it first and then I eat the other side and really enjoy that side so much more.