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Happy St. Patrick's day all!!! I hope you are wearing your green today. I know I am.
And for my final Easter post, women's outfits. Do you dress up for Easter? Sometimes I dress up and sometimes I wear Spring colors. I think it depends on the weather here. Last year it was warm.
This year I am going to dress up. I recently got myself a cute skirt from Loft (on mega sale) and I plan on pairing it with a shirt from my closet. I wore it to my sister's baby shower and it was a hit. I got a lot of compliments on it. Unless I buy one of these outfits below. Here is the skirt I bought.
And now some Easter outfit ideas:
Some notes on these dresses. I wanted the first dress and asked a blogger/influencer how tall she was to see if it would be long enough on me. It will not as I am 5'9" and will be too short for Easter Sunday. Now date night, I can get away with it because it would be more like a mini dress/mid thigh dress on me. The same probably goes for dress number 7.