Monday, February 8, 2021

Another Surgery Update

I had another post planned today, but after having my post op appointment on Thursday, I thought I would update you all. I was going to post this in my Friday Favorites and Happenings post, but my appointment went pretty long. And then I had to pick up new prescriptions.

Anyways, I had my post op with my doctor's PA. He assisted in my surgery, so I felt that it was fine having it with him. He asked me how I was doing after surgery. I told him about the nausea and how long it lasted (way too long), the pain, the bleeding from one incision, the call to their office for further instructions on my wound and nausea, the difficulty sleeping, the muscle spasms in my stomach and the extreme tenderness on the hernia.

Well it turns out that I had three hernias. We never did an ultrasound or scan as it was very apparent that I had a hernia and DR (diastasis recti). When they opened me up, I had a very large hernia (the one we knew about) and two smaller ones. So it went from being a pretty straight forward surgery to more complicated. They sutured all three of them up and then went to work repairing my DR. He said they stitched me from my sternum to almost my c-section scar, but not quite all the way. 

He said the pain at the big hernia is common because they did so much work to it. He said that my muscles are very inflamed which is normal, so they are "bunched up or rolled on top of each other right now". That is causing a lot of the pain and spasms. A spasm is the natural way for the body to combat the inflammation and pain. I also had some adhesions on my muscles.

He looked at my incisions and said they are healing nicely and he could see where the one that was bleeding had rescabbed over. I have no redness, hotness or pain at the incisions. BUT he said my abdomen is very swollen. More swollen than he would like to see.

It means that I need to slow down. I need to rest more. I can't lift things. I should break up my daily walks (that I have been taking since Sunday) either into two shorter walks, go slower on my walk, or rest a lot after my walk. He also told me to ice my abdomen for 10 to 15 minutes on, one hour off, and repeat as much as I can through the day. And if on Sunday (yesterday), if my swelling has gone down a lot, then I can do heat for 5 minutes, ice for 5 minutes, repeat once and then do the same in the evening.

He also told me that since I am fit, the surgery went well and didn't take long, but fit people tend to overdo it, and tear the work the doctor's have done because they are too anxious to get back into the gym or overdoing it. So he made it very clear to me that I need to rest. I can't lift more than 10 lbs for 3 weeks (post surgery) and 15 lbs from week 3 to 6. And I can't do anything other than walking. After 6 weeks, I can do the elliptical, run and bike. And I should watch myself that if it is uncomfortable, stop and try again a few days to a week later. And after 8 weeks, I can lift more than 15 pounds. And even then, I need to watch myself. He will give me some core exercises that I can start after the 8 weeks are up.

Sleep was another question that I asked him. I told him at night, I get the spasms and have a hard time sleeping. I asked how much longer do I need to sleep at a 30 to 45 degree angle? He said until my body feels comfortable. Meaning that I can lay down without pain, I can get myself up without pain and the spasms stop. So he said to go by my body. I can take some pillows away and see how it goes, if it works, great, if not, try again a few days later. Basically it all comes down to my body and how it is healing. Right now, it is slow go and I need to rest.

I go back to see him on the 18th as he didn't feel comfortable waiting a month with how swollen and uncomfortable I was. He gave me new prescriptions for the muscle spasms and the pain and sent me on my way.  

Here is a photo update as of Friday February 5th.


  1. I'm glad you're healing, but hope you take the Dr.'s advice and take it easy on yourself so that you can heal faster! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

    1. I totally agree. Yesterday I felt great and I took a walk, did more around the house and today I just feel blah. So I just have to slow down again.

  2. Hopefully your swelling goes down and you get some relief from the spasms. I hope that you are getting lots of rest! Sounds like you definitely need to take it easy, and let your body recover. The more you rest now, the sooner you can get back to regular activities later!

    1. Thank you. It has been helping for sure. But I still need to be better about icing my stomach. And you are so right. I did too much yesterday and I totally felt it today.

  3. Sounds complicated! I hope it starts to feel better!

  4. Get some rest, girl! I know, I know, easier said than done. You and I both seem so similar in that we're always up and moving around and doing something. It's always so hard for me to rest, too, so I totally understand the struggle.

    1. It is easier said than done. I just tend to do more things as I feel better, but then the next day, I go way back. I hate that. I just have a hard time resting. So here is to resting more this week now that the girls are at school all week.

  5. So there were three there? Wow! So glad you had this done and are healing. Praying as you recover, Danielle.

    1. Yep. I had no idea. No wonder I was in so much pain. I am so glad that I am done. Now I just need to rest which is hard for me to do. BUT I have to!

  6. Oooof. I'm so sorry you've been struggling with the healing process, Danielle! I hope you get some relief from the spasms and discomfort soon and that you'll turn a corner in healing! Praying for you, my friend <3

    1. It is hard to just sit down and I know that I need to do that. That is the only way I am going to get back to a new normal and heal!

  7. I was told that a lot by my doctor too; it's so easy to overdo it when we're so used to doing so much! Rest, rest, rest and listen to your body. It was so frustrating to sit and lay in bed most of the time but I did learn that the more I rested the faster I healed so in the long run it was worth it.

    1. Yes this is what I have to tell myself. Now that the girls are back in school for the week, I should be able to rest a lot more.

  8. I mean, this is proof y ou're one tough momma!!! Caring on with life with THREE hernias!!!

    1. You are so sweet. Thank you. It sucks to hear that I had that many, but it makes me realize why I had so much pain in my stomach area.

  9. Oh momma, you are so strong! I hope you are able to really rest these next couple of weeks and heal fully. <3

    1. I hope so too. I just need to be good about it and stick to resting.

  10. I hope you rest and take it easy! I know that is hard with the twins!

    1. Yes it is, but I am working on taking care of myself. It is hard not to help out though.

  11. Wow! I'm so glad you got some answers, and get it girl with being fit! Always makes procedures better and quicker healing. Hoping you can get some rest and are on the final road of healing <3

    Green Fashionista

    1. Thank you. I heard that was the best way to go into this surgery, so I pushed hard. And now I am aching to get back in the gym, but I have to heal first. I have to take this time for my body.

  12. Sorry to hear you are still experiencing pain and spasms. But good to know you are on the road to recovery.

    1. Thank you. I just hope it heals quickly and correctly.

  13. Take it easy!! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  14. Hope you are feeling better and wish you all the best with your upcoming appointment.
