I for one, missed the confessions, so I am very excited that it is back. Want to join in? Write your post and head over to The Newly and link up.
And these are my confessions (sung like Usher's Confessions. Please tell me you all remember this song.).
I confess I am very sore from my workout yesterday. It was my first time at the gym this week (due to awful food poisoning) and it kicked my butt, but in a good way. And I am thinking of doing a drop in for the spin class (new gym) to see if it can even come half way close to my old gyms amazing class.
I confess that I have been really awful at drinking water since my food poisoning incident. I have a water club at work and I am constantly going back to grab water (and get my steps in), but I haven't been motivated. Coffee or dehydration have won this week. I need to step up my water game here.
I confess that I have felt like a mommy failure this week. My girls are dragging me through the ringer. One day they like purees and a few finger foods. The next they only want finger foods. The next they only want their milk. And so on. And I am trying to make sure they eat enough to keep them regular (so we don't end up back in the ER). Plus they are teething (molars) and so unhappy in the evenings. They want their Cheerios (or whatever we are having), then their bottle and then bedtime. They went from standing, slowly scaling things and walking with a walker to barely wanting to stand. I blame it on the RSV, ear infections and then severe constipation. Plus they have lost weight from all the sickness. I just felt like failure this week when it comes to meeting their needs.
I confess that I am in desperate need of a girls night out. I haven't had one in about three weeks. I know my girls are busy (so am I), but I am hoping to get together with them sometime next week. Wine, girl talk and relaxation.
I confess that I am really excited for my upcoming work trips. I have two planned and the first one is to Tel Aviv, Israel. I have never been and the middle east scares me a bit, but I heard it is an amazing place to visit. Plus this will be my first time I have been away from my babies for more than a night. I don't know how I feel about that yet, so send me your words of encouragement or tips on handling it.
I confess that I am exhausted. Babies please sleep an entire night through (the both of you). This week long waking up at 3 am has got to stop. Please and thank you.
I confess that I am absolutely giddy with how much love I get from this blog. I have met (not in person, but hopefully in the future) so many amazing women through this blogging community and it pushes me to be a better person, mom and wife. So thank you so much.

Oh girl I hear you on the parenting fail. I have felt that way this week too. Emmy has been so fussy due to teething too and I'm just over it. I haven't drank enough water here either. Need to fix that now. Hang in there friend. We will get through this together.
ReplyDeleteYes we will. It sounds like it has been a tough week for everyone who posted. So thankful I have all of you to go through this with. Hoping Emmy feels better soon!
DeleteOh we all have our weeks. Last week was rough here. How exciting / nerve wracking to be going to Israel! How long will you be gone?
ReplyDeleteYes we all do have our weeks. So tough, but it is a season right and this too shall pass. That is what I keep telling myself. I will be gone for 7 days. This is just an into into my 10 to 12 day trip come May-ish.
DeleteI feel like a failure at least once a day. But then I remind myself I'm doing the best I can and the kids are thriving (for the most part) so I let it go. I used to drink over 100 oz per day but coffee has taken over my life and I can. not. stop. I think I need a healthy living reset!
ReplyDeleteSo prior to the kids, I had a pretty fun dog blog (I had 3 dogs at the time). I "met" so many amazing people from all over the world and we had a big meet up in NYC for a long weekend over the summer. We had 8 countries represented and had so much fun! It's amazing how strangers can quickly become a great support team. We're all in this together!
Seriously, Israel? You have the best job ever!
Thank goodness I am not the only one. Being a parent is tough and so hard to navigate. Much harder than anything else I have ever done.
DeleteThat is so cool that you had that amazing blog meet up. I want to go to one of those someday. I would love to meet more bloggers and connect.
Yes Israel. Going to be fun but crazy.
Give yourself grace, you are an amazing mommy to those girls and the kiddos know that! You are meeting more than their needs and sometimes sickness messes up routines and other things such as eating and sleeping but it isn't your fault nor does it make you a bad mom.
ReplyDeleteGirl time is the best especially when it involves wine, hope you can meet up with your girls soon because it seems like you need it. If you ever need a virtual girl time/wine time talk then don't be afraid to email me.
Thank you for your kind words. It comes at a time of need for sure. And I love the saying Give yourself grace. I need to repeat that daily. Such a great reminder.
DeleteOh I would love a virtual girl time. We need to do that.
Good luck with your work trip!! I bet your water intake will only get better..so that's good! Plus more steps to get more water AND to go to the bathroom!! :)
ReplyDeleteYes it is. Double whammy and it will be so much better for myself. I am on my second cup of coffee today and haven't had much water. Time to go get water.
DeleteWow what a work trip! I would be scared too, but overall that is super exciting. And glad you are feeling better-being sick and a mama at the same time is no easy feat!
ReplyDeleteNo it is not. So tough, but luckily it passes.
DeleteGrace. Its all we ask for and give ourselves. babies are hard, but two is harder. And read your stuff about your breast augmentation too. Hard tough decisions all the way around. prayers for discernment as you make these decisions and here's to sleep... one day.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. And Grace should be my word of the year. I love it. I need to tell myself to give yourself grace everyday.
DeleteOh man, like Jess said to me, when you are up in the middle of the night, just know that we probably are, too!! It'll end some day...right? :) Tel Aviv!! How fun! Thank goodness for Facetime with the girls!! I hope you have a great time and see lots of cool stuff!
ReplyDeleteI hope it ends someday. haha. But yes it is nice to go through this with other mommies who are in the same position. I will be using Facetime daily with them. Not sure how I will do it, but I will!
DeleteWhy are toddlers so picky when it comes to food!? One day my go-to (mac and cheese) is great and then the next its like the worst thing on earth and causes a total meltdown! Goodness gracious! If I could eat mac and cheese all the time, my life would be amaaaaazing!
ReplyDeleteI have no clue, but it is so tough. I would eat mac and cheese all the time as well. I have made it for them and they don't want it, so I eat it. But when we went to dinner last week, they couldn't get enough of it and wanted so much brisket. So weird.
DeleteGIRL - Israel?! How amazing is that? I think I would be a little scared as well, but I would be soooo excited! I can't wait to hear all about it!
ReplyDeleteI do feel pretty lucky to travel there for work, but as I said, scared as well.
DeleteYou are not a failure, please don't feel that way. You are a wonderful mama and sometimes babies are just hard hard hard! Sending you extra sleep!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kind words. I don't always feel like a failure, but sometimes I do. Just part of being a parent. It is HARD, but the best thing ever all at the same time.
DeleteWe all have weeks like this - I think it's our kids' jobs to drag us through the ringer every now and then. You're not a failure.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had a girls' night in way longer than 3 weeks and I need one desperately. Lately, it's been a nightmare to plan anything. No one's schedules ever align right. It sucks.
Haha, I agree on the ringer part.
DeleteThat's my problem as of late with the girls nights. Someone has something or my husband is out of town for work. It will work out soon enough. I am just being a woe is me about girls nights. And you need one too. I hope you can have one soon.
I'm still sore from my workout Tuesday! It feels great though knowing I got a good workout in! I need a girls night too! I wish allll my best girl friends lived near me though.
ReplyDeleteI hit the gym today too and I am so tired. My arms are so sore from my workout yesterday I don't want to lift them. Haha. I have quite a few girlfriends who live near me. It just getting everyone together and schedules meshing.
DeleteI'm so bad with water too, and working out, ha! Don't worry you're not alone. Hope you get a girls' night very soon :)
ReplyDeleteI love water, but feel like I am lazy lately. The gym three times a week is my sanity. Haha.
DeleteDon't get too down on yourself, mama! You are providing for your girls, and doing the best you can, and nobody could do it any better than you. Be proud!:) We all have rough spots too - so don't ever feel alone in that. I've given my kids cereal for dinner before...not great, but they loved it. And they lived, lol!:) I am just like you about water. Terrible. If my cup doesn't have a straw in it, I won't drink it. And I can literally go all day without drinking any water. It's awful. I need to be a lot better about it! Thanks for linking up today:) So excited to have the link up back every week!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for you kind words. It means so much to me. I need either a cup with a straw or my BKR bottle to drink water. Makes it so much fancier, haha. Thanks for starting the link up again. I missed it!
DeleteI know that feeling of failure. One time my baby girl (when she was 6 yrs old) pushed me too far and I went off on her. After I calmed down, I sat her down and explained that grown up are like kids, we sometimes have temper tantrums too. I told her it doesn't make it right but it makes us human. I apologized to her. She told me "thank you for apologizing" and that she still loved me. Now she is 9 yrs old and whenever I start to get frustrated she asks me if I need a "time out."....lol
ReplyDeleteHave fun on your trip and stay safe!
Haha, that is too funny. She is too smart for her own good. I can't believe you have a 9 year old. So crazy!!!
DeleteHave a good weekend!
It sounds harsh, but next time they wake up.....do not go in there! It is easier for the night to do in and quickly get them back down....but if you can sacrifice a night or two of being up a little longer while they get back to sleep, it is SO worth it. Turn that monitor down low :)
ReplyDeleteAnd whew it has been an intense month or so for you and the girls! Don't forget that!
We have been doing that a bit, but after they cry for 30 plus minutes, we cave. But we just saw that they are getting their one year old molars in. Avery's first one popped up last night. Sutton has been getting hers for about a week now. We are turning the monitor down for sure. And we are trying to let them cry it out as long as we can. We found that sometimes they have a poopy diaper and they go back to bed right after we change it. So tough!!