Wednesday I had another excision on my mole and it caused a lot more pain than I thought it would. I ran a few errands to grab the last bits of Christmas things we needed and headed home to my pup, girls and husband. He made (homemade) pizza that night since I could barely move my arm.
I didn't realize how bad my shoulder was until I took the bandages off (after 24 hours) and saw this.
This is a few days out and the bruising is way better.
Thursday we had the day off (due to daycare being closed), so we took advantage of it and went snowboarding in 8 inches of new powder. Plus it snowed non-stop all day and accumulated another 8 while we were there (in 3 hours). The tracks were constantly covered over again and it made for an epic day. It got a little sketchy at times due to low visibility, but it was the best day of the season yet. Heck, the best day in a couple years. Bring on the El Nino.
Hanging out with grandma while we went snowboarding
I was super careful with my shoulder, but I couldn't pass up a powder day. After snowboarding, Rory headed to an appointment and my dad came over to help me watch the girls (I had a hard time picking them up out of their cribs and mobility with my shoulder). I did some cleaning and we hung out with the girls.
That evening we went to my in-laws house for Christmas Eve. The girls got to open their first presents. They were more interested in the paper and boxes than the toys. Though they love the toys now.
Avery super excited to open her gift
Sutton couldn't get enough of the paper
Daddy helping Avery (and wearing his Warriors Christmas sweater)
Mommy and Avery selfie
Walter cuddled up watching the girls open presents
We ate tons of food, drank some wine, opened some gifts and capped off the evening with watching A Christmas Story. It was a wonderful night. The roads were crazy icy on the way home, but we made it safely and prepped for Santa's arrival.
The girls were up bright and early Christmas morning, but were very content with playing in their room. We made some lattes (priorities people), started the fire, made sure all the Christmas presents were out and got the girls ready for the day.
Here is a little sneak peak of how our Christmas morning started.
Avery in her Christmas pjs and bow. She was super excited for Christmas morning.
Sutton in her Christmas pjs and bow.
I am saving Christmas Day for another post since this one is already getting really long. Stay tuned. And up tomorrow is my sweet baby girls' first birthday. Where did the time go?

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