One. I went for a run this week. This is huge because I haven't gone on a run in over a year (doctor cut me off last year in October). I told myself to take it easy, but I wanted to get in at least 3 miles. And I got in 3.3 miles. And now I am sore. But it was so worth it. (yes I have been working out the last 5 months, but not running). Many more runs to come.
Two. I have another girls night next week. After work on Tuesday, I get my hair done (much needed), followed by Picasso and Wine with my favorite ladies. This is what we are painting.
Three. Everyone (in the blogging world) has been talking about Anastasia product for your eyebrows. I have thin brows (thanks to having really thick ones as a child and waxing a ton over the years) and use a pencil to help fill them in a bit and darken them up in between eyebrow tints. So what is your favorite? The powder, pencil, pen, gel? And would you recommend a place like Sephora, Ulta or a department store to try it and make sure I am getting the right color?
Four. I am breaking in my season pass to Mt. Rose this weekend! After last weekends storm, cold temperatures and snow making, they opened up another big lift. Sure there is still a lot left to open, but we have a babysitter (grandparents) and a few hours to kill up at the mountain. I can't wait. Hopefully my legs are ready.
Mt. Rose (parts of the right side are open now)
Five. I have started my Cyber Monday list. I never ever partake in Black Friday (I worked it once in high school and it was awful), but enjoy shopping from the comfort of my house or work (sorry) and stocking up on everything that I need to buy this holiday season. We have quite a few things we need to get for the girls plus all of our immediate family. So tell me, have you heard about any Cyber Monday deals? Places? Send them my way please.

Oh I need to think about what deals to get on Cyber Monday now that you mention it! Are you looking for anything in particular? Have fun celebrating with the family :)
ReplyDeleteWell I am looking at some baby stuff, like a baby playpen thing, new car seats and some gifts for family, but some of them read here, so I can't really say what. But I usually shop around on amazon, J Crew, REI, Lululemon, Zara, Banana Republic, etc.
DeleteI would go to sephora or ultra for sure ... but I didn't like it so I took mine back ... to obvious to me ......
ReplyDeleteSonia Kuchiak (sp?) for Target has a "knock off" with a range of shades that might be a cheap way to try it?!
Good to know. At least if I try it at Sephora or Ulta and don't like the way it looks, then I don't have to buy it. Which did you try? The pencil, gel, powder or pen?
DeleteOh and good note on the Target knock off. I am going there today and will check it out. Thank you.
I need to get my hair done like yesterday!! Ha ha! I never partake in Black Friday either. We usually hang out at home or go to the playground. I do need to see what's up for Cyber Monday though. Good thinking girl!! Course I am not thinking past Tuesday yet because Emmy gets her band off!!! YAY!!
ReplyDeleteMy hair is awful right now. I have all the baby hairs growing in from losing my hair after I stopped breast feeding and pumping. Ugh. Looks dreadful to me. And I am so happy Emmy gets her band off on Tuesday. Huge step. Save it to show her when she gets older. We are doing that with our girls too. And just yesterday we looked at pictures of the girls when they had their helmets and it seemed so long ago, but it really wasn't.