Ok, onto boobies and a bit of a backstory. Before getting pregnant, or even thinking about getting pregnant, I had a 34D chest. Then it was time to start trying and get off birth control. My chest went down to a 34C or 32D. After 10 months, I got pregnant and my boobies started to grow. And grow a ton.
I shot up to a 34DDD which is really hard to find at Victoria Secret. And have you seen a bra that big? It looks like a granny bra. I bought two new bras over the course of my pregnancy and they weren't the most flattering bras but still were VS.
Then it came time to have the babies (early) and I needed a nursing bra. I bought a cheap one at Target without wiring and my self conscious self hated it because my boobs were huge and saggy when not full. So I got an underwire nursing bra there. Again still self conscious and wanted something pretty because you don't feel that pretty at home with two newborns, constantly pumping and nursing and can barely shower. So I figured a nice sexier nursing bra would do some justice. I bought the Cake Lingerie Toffee Nursing Bra. It lifts, is cute and looks like a normal bra with the snaps for nursing. Note: Nordstrom will take any bra and convert it into a nursing bra for about $15 (definitely will do this next time if there is a next time).
Fast forward almost nine months and I am in the last sessions of my weaning process. It is awesome, but bittersweet. I love giving my girls breast milk, but I want my body back too. It is a constant battle inside, but my body has been naturally weaning for about a month now. I had started the process in July and by my goal date I was down to two pumps a day. Now I pump about once a day to once every 36 hours. I was still getting enough to make the girls each a bottle in the morning. But over the last three days I have noticed a change. I am only getting about 100 or so mils in 15 minutes and my boobies are tiney tiny.
I thought I would go back down to a D, maybe C, but I am not even sure they are at a C right now. Maybe a small C. And I wore my nursing bra today (it is comfy and all I have known for 9 months) and there are huge gaps in it. My precious boobs are smaller than I have ever seen them, or remember seeing them. Anyone have this experience after weaning? Will they go up a bit once I am fully done?
The good news is, I won't have to get a lift most likely. I can just do some implants. Yes I am vain and want my boobs to look good for myself and my husband. Not saying I am getting them done tomorrow, but I have been saving. I just can't believe they were a bursting DDD (to sometimes larger) to maybe a small C. Guess I wasn't ready for that part.
Silver lining is my scar from my breast abscess surgery looks pretty good on these small ladies.
And now I am done talking boobies. Men you are free to come back now.

Not to toot my own horn but I had pretty nice boobs pre babies. They were full B or a small C and very perky, especially for someone over 40 (which I am). Fynn sucked the life out of me and now they are these little shriveled things with no firmness whatsoever. I'm ok with them being small but I want them perky again! And I need a tummy tuck due to the little mom apron I have left over from the C section. I'm totally fine being a little vain :)
ReplyDeleteI was in the same boat as you. And yes mine aren't perky anymore either. Just squishy and small. Oh my how things have changed. I don't have an apron from the c-section but I feel like my skin isn't that tight on my stomach. Twins. And kids for that matter. Wreck havoc on our bodies, but so worth it. Love your little ones.
DeleteAmazing that we both wrote about boobs today! Ha ha! I totally understand. It's amazing how large they get and then how freaking little and deflated they are. I almost cried.
ReplyDeleteIt is definitely funny. I loved your post about the differences of breastfeeding your two babes.
DeleteYep this happened to me with both my boys. My Bs barely fit now, I'm afraid to go bra shopping. But they do get a pit perkier as you workout, not the same as pre-baby but better than right after you wean. But your body is supposed to be different after you have a baby! There's nothing wrong with it!
ReplyDeleteHaha, me too. I can't bring myself to go and I need to. This is the first week I have worn real bras again. Feels so weird, but liberating. Glad to hear that they get perkier with working out. I have been going to the gym at least twice a week (at lunch) and it feels awesome.
DeleteHaha just stumbled across your blog today and love reading about your twins and this title caught my attention! So so funny. I have 2 littles and my boobs are pretty much gone!! I breastfed my second for 15 months and I swear she sucked the life out of them! :( I was a 34B which was SMALL now like an A. I need to go bra shopping but I don't even wanna! haha
ReplyDeleteThanks for finding my blog. I love how you can relate to my experience as well. They definitely suck the life out of the boob department. Ha.