One. I have my follow up appointment from my umbilical hernia surgery. I am not that happy with my surgery results. I mean they are fine, but part of my belly button (on the right side) still sticks out some and my doctor said my belly button would go back in more. When I was stretching in bed, it felt like my incision area was ripped open. This has happened a few times and I am so scared to do certain workouts at the gym due to it and finally my scar is healing all wacky. It is bumpy-ish and internet searches suggest too much glue was used. So these are the things I am talking to my doctor about. And the bad part is, I may have to have surgery again to fix it all. When I did my first post op, he said if it didn't go in more, he would have to fix it (and it better be for free). I don't want surgery again, but I want my belly button area to look normal again. Ugh. Decisions.
Two. I am doing a clay canvas class with my mom, sister, extended family and friends tomorrow. Girls day. I am excited about this as I love Picasso and Wine and this is the same concept but with clay. I loved my clay classes in high school and college, so I get to work my inner artist out again. My mom and I are choosing things to go in the girls room. Can't wait to share pictures with you all.
Three. Sunday we are hitting the beach again. Yes! I love Tahoe and we haven't gone much at all this year (once). And this momma needs a tan before Nathalie's wedding next weekend. Maybe a stop at Garwoods for a Wet Woody is in order too.
Give me all the Wet Woody's
Four. Helmets. My dear baby girls get their helmets off on Sunday. I am super excited about this. We will get to see their beautiful heads all the time now. Not just an hour a day thing anymore. I can say the helmets worked beyond our hopes. The girls heads are super round. They are probably more round then mommy or daddy's heads. We will find out the measurements next Friday to see the full amount of change. But at last appointment they were already in the normal range. Avery was at a 4 and Sutton was at a 5. With 6 and under being in the normal.
Say bye bye to your helmets ladies
Five. Fall is right around the corner and that means some of my favorite things ever are upon us. Leaves turning, fall clothes, boots, Apple Hill, pumpkin spice lattes, holidays and FOOTBALL! Less than 3 weeks until the first Wolf Pack football game (September 3rd) and preseason has started. Can't wait to watch my Niners. And I can't wait to introduce the ladies to football because they will be going to all home games and be watching it on tv all weekend long. Get ready girls!
Hope you have a good weekend. See you on Monday.

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