So many blogs. I fell so far behind on keeping up with my favorite bloggers while on maternity leave that I think it will take me weeks to get myself caught back up. I also am reading up on baby sleeping schedules for 4 month olds.
Nothing at the moment, but when we are at home and the girls are in bed, we have been watching Secrets and Lies. So in love with this show. I get so excited when an episode pops up in our dvr. Also we are finally getting around to watching House of Cards. I am so far behind which is crazy as I watched the last two seasons in a day or two.
I was with my babies right now. They are so close (across the street) but so far away. Mommy misses them so much.
Excited for...
The weekend. My momma and I are brunching it up with the girls and then heading out to a massive kids sale (all new and gently used clothing). And the countdown is on to our annual Graeagle trip. This time the girls will be with us as last time they were brand new embryos in mommy's belly. And we thought there was only one, but we were blessed with two!
How I am ever going to find a bikini top that will fit these huge milkers. I tried on a bikini top, pre-pregnancy one and it doesn't fit at all. And I went to my go-to Victoria Secret to see if they made cute bikini tops in my size...nope. Ugh. I might need to up the band to fit the tatas. Plus the bikini I really want, the Milly Bikini from Triangl, I am afraid it won't fit. Even the Small++ (fits d-dd cup bust) might be too small. Do I risk it and send it back if it doesn't fit?
Frustrated by...
Our dvr box is about to crash. Well it has been about to crash for a month or so. It is agonizingly slow and we finally called AT&T for a new box which was great. But the frustrating part...instead of sending us a brand new box that has cloud features, they sent us one that is a month newer than the old one. May 2011 folks. So now we have to wait it out again and try to binge watch our shows on a dvr that barely works and hope we don't lose all of our saved shows. Boo.
Spaghetti. Pasta. Sushi. You name it, I want it. Pumping means I am starving all the time and I don't have the luxury of a pantry or frig one room away from me. Thankfully, it seems I have cut the sweets down to almost nothing since having these sweet babies.
Sipping on...
Delicious coffee. It is the only thing that keeps me going through the day. Waking up at 4:45 am to get ready, pump, feed the girls and get to work is exhausting.

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