Wow, oh wow, we are in our 32nd week of pregnancy. Let me tell you, it is harder than it looks to carry twins at 32 weeks. Everything hurts, everything is hard and you just want to be done, but you know these babies need to bake in there a bit (several weeks) longer.
I had my ob appointment Monday where I found out that I am measuring at 40 weeks. That means I basically am full term with one baby. Holy wow. No wonder it was hard to pee in a cup at the doctor's office. And by hard, I mean I peed on my hand. Sorry if that is TMI for you all, but when you get to the near end of pregnancy, things get a bit too TMI for EVERYONE.
Babies heartbeats were strong and they were moving and grooving in the belly. I wonder how they even have any room left in there because momma sure can't move much. It is hard to bend over, take my clothes off, get dressed, get out of a chair, not have swollen legs/feet, grip anything, etc. You name it, we have it going on folks.
Anyway, enough complaining. Onto the weekly update.
How far along: 32 Weeks
Babies are the size of a: Jicama
Babies are: According
to Babycenter babies should weigh around 3 3/4 pounds and around 16.7 inches long each. We should know more on their growth progress on Tuesday when I see the perinatal doctor. They say babies should be gaining about 1/2 a pound a week which would make them around 4 pounds 8 ounces and 4 pounds 1 ounce. Yikes that is almost 9 pounds in my belly. No wonder I feel huge!
Babies are growing fast and now have toenails, fingernails and real hair. Their skin is becoming more soft and smooth and they are plumping out.
Maternity Clothes:
All day, everyday. My wardrobe is getting smaller by the day due to my belly getting bigger by the day. Some shirts are way too short now and I am trying to make due with what I have, but I may have to give in and buy a few more pregnancy tank tops to put under my clothes so I don't look like a hillbilly. And I am down to two pairs of shoes. Oh how I can't wait to wear a pair of heels or cute boots again.
Stretch Marks: None and I am hoping I don't get any in the last few weeks of pregnancy.
Awful. I am now sleeping at an incline which helps with the breathing issue since baby B loves to lay on mommy's ribs/lungs, but then I get really bad carpal tunnel. So I exchange one bad for another.
Symptoms: Carpal tunnel, backaches, swollen feet, pelvic pressure, shortness of breath. I am just one big walking pregnant mess, haha.
Best Moment of the Week: Christmas is here in two days and I can't wait to spend it with family. I have friends arriving daily and I can't wait to see them all. Plus we found out that we have 3 to 5 weeks left before these babies come based on their size, my size and how I am progressing. Shit is about to get real here folks and I will be a momma very soon. I.CAN.NOT.WAIT.
Cravings: Pasta, pizza, sushi and sweets. Same as usual.
Gender: Two precious baby girls.
Belly Button In or Out: Out.
Wedding Ring on or Off: On, but on my right hand.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nothing really unless I don't eat often enough.
What I Miss: Sleep, being able to sleep on my stomach and being able to get out of cars/off the couch/out of bed/etc.
What I am Looking Forward to: Christmas and family/friend time.
Labor: Nothing yet, but my body sure is gearing up for it.
Nursery: So so so close. Just a few more things to do and we are finished. I love sitting in the chair in there and staring at everything and all the progress.
Emotions: Feeling good, but overwhelmed by everything. So basically my hormones are kicking in full force and I could cry or be happy at an instant. Today I am happy and so looking forward to these next few days.
Until next week (33 weeks)!

I can't wait to meet my beautiful nieces!
ReplyDeleteYou didn't have to wait that long from this posting. The girls arrived 5 days later. My beautiful baby girls!