So please forgive me for my late baby update. A picture may or may not make it into this post as I feel like a whale and really feeling under the weather.
How far along: 31 weeks, 1 day
Babies are the size of a: Coconut/Pineapple.
Babies are: According to Babycenter and The Bump, babies should be measuring around 16 inches long (but ours are around 17 inches as of last week) and weighing in at 2.5 lbs to 3.8 lbs (but we know that babies are around 3.9 lbs and 4 lbs).
Babies are getting so big that they are crowding mommas lungs and pushing on her bladder. The only way to grow more is to grow outwards. All five of babies senses are developed and working. They are moving around, making faces, hiccuping, swallowing, breathing and pedaling around mommas uterus all day long.
Maternity Clothes:
All day, everyday. I have a few Old Navy sweaters that are long and non-maternity, but I have officially phased out most other non-maternity shirts as my belly is too big to contain. I tried to wear a normal longer t-shirt and since the babies started dropping, my belly hangs out. Way attractive. I only have two pairs of shoes that fit too, so there is limited choices between uggs and flats.
Stretch Marks:None yet, and hopefully none appear. I had my dermatology appointment last night and the good news was, no stretch marks. The bad news: 2 or 3 biopsies after the babies are born.
Sleep: Awful. It is easier to take naps or short sleep intervals as I am really UNCOMFORTABLE. I can only lay in one position for a bit before having to change positions. Oh sleep how I miss thee.
Symptoms: Carpal tunnel, backaches, swollen feet, pelvic pressure, shortness of breath.
Best Moment of the Week: Taking a day off to myself even though it was because of the babies, it was so worth it. Mindless tv and relaxation is just what the doctor ordered. Plus last Saturday we saw Daniel Tosh and he was amazing as ever.
Cravings: Pasta, pizza, sushi and sweets. Same as usual.
Gender: Two precious baby girls.
Belly Button In or Out: Out.
Wedding Ring on or Off: On, but on the right side and not sure how much longer I can wear them at all. I just feel lost without them and don't want to take them off.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: The nausea has come back, but I haven't thrown up. Just all around feeling queasy at times.
What I Miss: Sleep, being able to sleep on my stomach and being able to get out of cars/off the couch/out of bed/etc. easier.
What I am Looking Forward to: The Nevada Wolf Pack bowl game this weekend, relaxation, finishing the last bits of the girls room, packing my hospital bag and Christmas.
Labor: Nothing yet, but I must keep taking it easy and letting these babies bake as long as possible. Please oh please let me make it to 36 or 37 weeks.
Nursery: So so so close. Just a few more things to do and we are finished. I love sitting in the chair in there and staring at everything and all the progress.
Emotions: Feeling pretty good though I had a mini meltdown by myself since no shoes fit and some of my go to shirts are now too short and I don't want to buy anything new. Why can't I wear sweatpants and slippers all day, everyday.

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