I can tell you my bump has grown a ton over the last couple weeks. I feel huge, but I am really loving it. Now only if I could get these little babies to kick and let me feel it.
How far along: 18 weeks
Babies are the size of a: Bell Pepper/Sweet Potato. Babies are about 5.6 inches long and 6.7 ounces each. We have a growth appointment next week to really see how many inches and how many ounces they are.
Babies are: passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. (I saw them on the ultrasound this week and found this to be VERY true. They were moving and shaking their little butts.)
Maternity Clothes: I caved and bought a few things on my trip and plan to get more this week. So far I bought a pair of jeans (with the band that goes over the bump. Never thought that would happen.), some shirts, a sweater and two dresses.
Stretch Marks: None yet thankfully and hope they never show up.
Sleep: Pretty good this week since my husband is on a trip and I have the bed to myself, oh and a little cute pup, but he sleeps on his dads side now.
Symptoms: Bloody noses (really bad one this morning), allergies, backaches and swollen feet and ankles. I wore heels for the first time in weeks yesterday and I could barely walk when I took them off. My feet swell a bit everyday. Ugh.
Symptoms: Bloody noses (really bad one this morning), allergies, backaches and swollen feet and ankles. I wore heels for the first time in weeks yesterday and I could barely walk when I took them off. My feet swell a bit everyday. Ugh.
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing our little babies on the ultrasound and finding out/confirming what they are. I can't wait to share. What do you all think they are?
Nothing that I know of, but my momma friends say I probably have and thought it was gas. Come on babies, move so I can really feel you.Cravings: Fruit, pizza, ice cream.
Gender: We know and are sharing this weekend.
Belly Button In or Out: In half way. My belly button looks very awkward...especially when I laugh.
Wedding Ring on or Off: On and actually looser.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nothing right now.
What I Miss: Not always feeling so full and my bikini body.
What I am Looking Forward to: Friends visiting this weekend, my husband coming home and buying tons of clothes at a baby event on Thursday with my mom.
Labor Signs: Not even close.
Nursery: We can start working on the nursery now. I can't wait to paint and decorate.
Emotions: Feeling pretty good other than being sad that my husband is gone on a work trip. If I travel for work, I am good to go, but when he leaves, I am so sad. Dang pregnancy hormones.
I promise a picture this weekend when my husband is home and can take one of me. I am so bad at selfies, I don't even want to try it again. Sorry.

I stink at selfies too, no worries. I bet you look beautiful! Can't wait to find out about the gender.